Featured News

Teams meeting

FLIP surveys courts on the experience of remote proceedings during COVID

In March and April 2020 Australia’s federal courts quickly moved to hearing matters ‘remotely’ – usually via either Microsoft Teams or by phone – to...

Bright orange lights

Submission: Data Availability and Transparency Bill

The Allens Hub has made a submission to the Office of the National Data Commissioner on the exposure draft of the Data Availability and Transparency...

Bright orange lights

Hub contributions influences recommendations to the review of the mandatory data retention regime

On 28 October 2020, the Parliamentary Joint Committee on Intelligence and Security released its Review of the mandatory data retention regime. 


Monika and Genna

Metadata the key to finding out who authorised the use of private security in Victoria’s Hotel Quarantine Inquiry.

Hub Members Monika Zalnieriute and Genna Churches were asked by The Guardian Australia to make comments on Victoria Police claims that they could not...

Front page of book

Personhood in the age of biolegality - Brave new law

Complex issues are emerging at the intersection of law and the biosciences, an area that is quickly expanding and presenting challenges for existing...

Felicity and Michael

AI and the Legal Profession Becoming the AI-Enhanced Lawyer

Recent advances in artificial intelligence (AI) have given rise to concerns about its impact on the labour market, including professional occupations...

Frank Pasquale

How AI Can Promote Inclusive Prosperity

A large crowd recently gathered online to watch Professor Frank Pasquale discuss rethinking the political economy and his book 'New Laws of Robotics...

A robot

How can artificial intelligence promote inclusive prosperity for all?

Allens hub guest speaker Frank Pasquale explains when AI can be entrusted to assume tasks currently performed by humans, and when it should complement...
Person pointing at white board

Unleash Your Creativity

Traditionally critical and creative thinking are thought of as distinct and oppositional activities, but in fact they are interconnected and closer...