Crowd at Comp Law Fest

2019 Competition Law Fest

Advancements in technology and how new areas of ACCC scrutiny are affecting the way businesses compete - these were the focus of Allens 2019 Competition Law Fest held recently in Melbourne and Sydney.  Allens Hub academics Dr Katharine Kemp and Dr Rob Nicholls joined forces with Lawyers from Allens’ Competition, Consumer & Regulatory team to generate a lively debate. 

For many businesses, data and digital platforms are things that are dealt with on a daily basis. Others are less concerned with bots, and more concerned with bread, boots or boats. The competition law fest included a panel discussion on Navigating Digital Issues. It showed, the importance and effect on all businesses of the ramifications of the ACCC's work in these areas. The session provided practical takeaways to ensure that the participants' businesses are ready for the changing landscape to come. The panel discussion focused on three topics:

  1. the ACCC's Digital Platforms Inquiry;
  2. the consumer data right; and
  3. enforcement themes relating to data and technology.