Monika standing outside University bogota nacional

The Hub is increasing its International reach and presence

The Hub is extending its international reach and presence following recent travels by Hub postdoctoral fellow Dr Monika Zalnieriute.   Monika has been networking with international colleagues working in the area of law and technology, to promote awareness about the work of the Hub.   This has included several international trips to attend multi-stakeholder meetings & conferences and visit academic institutions.  These trips have also helped Monika continue her research-informed international policy work.

First stop was a multilingual forum for transformative leadership, Meridian 180 Global Summit in Hong Kong, which this June focused on  ‘Digital Humanity, Risks and Opportunities’. Monika engaged in transpacific dialogue with thought leaders from academia, business, and the public sector from 29 different countries

Monika then continued to Central and South America where she attended the 62nd International meeting of the Internet Corporation for Assigned Names and Numbers in Panama City, in June.

In July Monika travelled to meet colleagues, and network, at several universities in South America.  These included the Universidad de los Andes and Universidad Nacional in Bogota; Colombia the University of Lima, Lima, Peru and the University of Diego Portales, Santiago Chile.

Soon after returning to Australia, Monika was off again!  This time to convene and moderate a panel at the Asia Pacific Internet Governance Forum in, Porta Villa, Vanuatu, during August.   Monika was one of a few lucky attendees to be awarded an Asia- Pacific fellowship to attend the Forum.  She used the opportunity to learn, connect and be inspired by numerous members of the dedicated and creative Internet community.   

Monika’s attendance at these international events will ensure the Allens Hub continues to form strong international bonds and increase the awareness of its work internationally.